Longbow Arch – Moab

Moab, UT

After many days of hiking and an all day adventure on Wednesday, we were looking for a day of rest.  But Thursday’s forecast was for decent weather in the morning followed by clouds and wind in the afternoon.  With rain predicted for Friday and Saturday, we decided to take advantage of the good weather Thursday morning and headed out for a short hike (1.2 miles one way) to Longbow Arch.  The trailhead is along Rte. 279 (Potash Road) in the parking area for Poison Spider Road.

We’re going up to the top?

The first half of the hike is steeply up, passing a nice panel of petroglyphs along the way.

After a few switchbacks the trail goes right up a steep area of slickrock.  This part is easier than it looks and green markers painted on the rock makes the trail easy to follow.

The last part of the steep sliprock use to be a bit tricky to get over.  But the Trail Mix Group has recently installed a series of hand holds, eliminating most of the danger.

After a half mile of “up” the terrain flattens and the trail meanders over slickrock and through some areas of fairly deep sand.

A mile from the trailhead the trail turns in to a canyon and Longbow Arch appears above.

The trail continues by the arch before turning and going right up under it.

A beautiful Claret Cup Cactus in full bloom sits below the western end of the arch

Returning back down the trail we enjoyed great views of an area across the river called Behind the Rocks and the snow covered La Sal Mountains in the distance.

Then it was back down the steep section of the trail.  Those new hand grips are nice going up but really help when going down.

This hike turned out to be perfect for the weather.  We had clouds mixed with sun the entire time but the sun disappeared completely as we returned to the trailhead.  There was even a little rain as we drove back to the motorhome.  But more rain is on the way so we’ll definitely have a couple of days rest in our future!

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34 Responses to Longbow Arch – Moab

  1. Sue says:

    Once again, beautiful pictures. Its so difficult to really see how steep some of your hikes are but putting Pam in the picture (wearing those beautiful bright colors) really makes it clear.

  2. geogypsy2u says:

    Dang, some of those places look really steep. Thank goodness for the hand holds. Feels like I’m being blown away here. Enjoy the down time.

  3. Laurel says:

    Beautiful hike — even though I love hiking on slick rock because it’s so “grippy” I would definitely appreciate the handholds on that VERY steep section. That claret cactus is gorgeous! Your photos are wonderful — you chose very good colors for your hiking apparel. :-))

  4. pmbweaver says:

    Wow…slick rock is as enough when it is level. That stuff looks downright dangerous. Hand rails…excellent!
    Gorgeous photos you two!

  5. I can’t believe what nice weather you have been having.

  6. explorvistas says:

    Beautiful cactus, Pam!

  7. Jeff says:

    Hand holds, rings, ladders … you do like to add a dimension (up!) to your hikes! More great photos of a beautiful area.

  8. Gay says:

    Awesome hike…we can’t wait to do this trail!

  9. That looks like a super fun little trail! It’s on the list!

    Interesting mix of weather you’ve been having. I guess wind is better than HOT! Enjoy your down days!

  10. Nancy says:

    You both amaze me! Loved those petroglyphs!

  11. You find such nice hikes. Thanks for sharing the great pictures.

  12. Hadn’t heard of that trail. Looks like fun! Especially with the addition of the hand holds.

    • placestheygo says:

      This hike was just recently added to the BLM site and the Moab Happenings featured the hike and sharing that the hand holds had been added. It looked a cool arch and a nice short hike.

  13. Jodee Gravel says:

    The up looks really fun and the down looks like “helicopter please”. Really wonderful photos – that one of Pam crossing the canyon is stunning. Glad John was able to successfully call in a weather front for a couple days 🙂

    • placestheygo says:

      We always have to remember that what goes up must come down:) Yes, John was very glad that the weather actually got it correct this time and he had two days of rest:)

  14. Seeing now the hand holds, I think I can do the climb up. Your bright colored shirt not only suits you, you popped out of the photos! Sue is right, dress up not only for the hike but also the photos. Now I wished I bought one too when you did 😦

    • placestheygo says:

      You wouldn’t have any trouble with this hike, MonaLiza. The hand holds aren’t placed well for short people, but it isn’t bad. Thanks! The new shirt color does brighten up the photos:)

  15. Sherry says:

    Fabulous pictures again! Love the flowers and the view of the river both going up and coming down the slick rock. Boy would I love to do that hike. Love the petroglyphs. I’ve always worn subdued colors when I hike so as not to be noticed by the animals I hope to see but clearly when I get to the desert I must amend my dress code. Love your colors.

  16. Debbie L says:

    That was exciting! Again such fab pictures. We do the same, enjoy days out while the weather is good….no matter if we need a rest day!

  17. LuAnn says:

    Those hand holds look like an excellent idea. Wonderful photos Pam. You look great in bright colors.

  18. girlonahike says:

    Great pics! Just did this trail and it was awesome! Your photos look a little more “spring-like”, but Winter was nice since nobody was there and the sand was cold for the dogs paws’. Definitely one of my new favorites!

    Alicia @ GirlonaHike.com

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